Come on in... relax, kick off your shoes, and get cozy for a few minutes. I intend this space to be a happy and encouraging spot in your day where perhaps you'll sign off feeling better than you did when you signed on.

I have so much in life that I want to create, experience, and wrap my head around, and I bet you do too. I dedicate this space as a safe place to "grow" our seeds... Seeds of movement to increase our joy, inspiration, and insight - Seeds of change and evolution of our souls - Seeds of of celebration and creativity - a place where we thrive to live lives we're proud of.

How cool is it that we are given the opportunity to create a future that doesn't exist yet. That we have the choice in creating our lives and planting seeds that will grow into our dreams. I want to learn more everyday about how to do this in my life, and I would love for you to join me.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Favorite Christmas Poem

During the holidays, my mother has a lovely way of decorating her home so that you feel as though you're stepping into a fairy wonderland of pure, childish delight.  Her attention to detail, lighting, sparkle, and whimsy greet you at every twist and turn... magical vistas everywhere!  

One of my favorite magic touches is a poem... a poem placed in a beautiful frame that sits on her library table in the living room.   And when I am lucky enough to go home for the holidays, this poem seems to beckon me.  As I walk by it, I feel its energy call out to me, always touching me deeply as if I'm reading it for the first time.  I am awed over and over again by its simple and poignant articulation of how the power of the universe lives the human experience.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Birthday Reflections and a Rampage of Thankfulness

Last week Friday was my 45th birthday, and a very good day it was.  I find closure in taking a few minutes around my birthday to look back and assess each year's experiences.  I remember my gains and losses, summarize the year, and then let it go.  So this year I took some time to revisit my 44th year, but I found that my reflections left me with mixed emotions about how well it had gone.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Don't Forget to Breathe with the Holidays!

James Island County Park
Festival of Lights Holiday Card
The other night I had a crazy, fierce allergy attack.  Some innocent, unknowing little allergen particle floated far up into my nasal cavity and reaped havoc on my being.  I was sneezing with such force that it literally almost knocked me off my chair.  One violent sneeze after another, sometimes 20 in a row, brought me down like a sick buffalo.